Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Turtle Holes

"Tippi Turtle" dug two  nice holes and deserted both. Here are some pictures.

Tippi  is now hanging out under the euonymus bushes.

I re-installed our little fountain this afternoon. It has been stored while our renovations  were occurring. In the past, we've had toads, frogs, and garter snakes hanging out at the fountain. Here's a video of how it looks tonight.

And as you can see, Tippi has moved back into the yard. The fountain will undergo a lot  of changes over the next few weeks as we make it look a bit  more "natural." Stay tuned.

We'll leave you tonight with two pictures. The first is of our backyard  looking out from our living room.

And WHAT is the second???

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hi and welcome to our new blog, Crabtree Creek Critters.

We live inside the beltline in Raleigh, North Carolina. The circa 1835 Raleigh and Gaston Railroad bed is adjacent to our property and crosses the creek about half a mile away. The creek and the railroad bed offer highways for critters  who like to stop in and visit. Right now, we have an  Eastern Box Turtle laying her eggs in our yard and that's what prompted this blog. I'm posting a video of tonight's activity. This is just a test posting and  we will be back soon.


Here are our chicken critters.