Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

2012 Chicks Day 20

Yes - I know that today is actually day 22, but I took this video on the 15th, which was day 20.

The chicks started to outgrow their plastic container in the bathroom, so Thursday night we moved them out to our shed.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012 Chicks Day 9

We had to put a screen on top of the container today. The Araucana flew to the top edge, sat for a few moments, then hopped back down.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

2012 Chicks Day 8

We are now back up to six chicks. I went to the Ace Hardware this morning and picked up a Buff Orpington to replace the second little Wyandotte that died. In this video, our new additions are the two chicks you see between 13 and 17 seconds.

Friday, March 2, 2012

2012 Chicks Day 6 1/2

Sad news. We lost both our Silver-laced Wyandottes - one night before last and one last night. In all the years we have been keeping chickens, we have never lost chicks while they were still in the brooder. All the other breeds are doing fine, but the Wyandottes just did not seem to grow and eventually stopped eating and drinking. I let the feed store know, and they said they hadn't heard that any more had died, and they were sold out of the remainder.
We replaced one with an "Easter Egger" from the nearby Ace Hardware. I didn't take any video last night because the second chick was dying and it was sad, so I recorded this at lunch today.