Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ruckus in the Hen House!

This morning we were awakened at 5:00 by loud squawking and squealing coming from our chicken coop. I jumped out of bed, turned the dog out, and ran out behind her. After looking all around, we couldn't find any evidence of any intruder and concluded that the chickens were just squabbling with each other because they are molting and grouchy.
Here's our Buff Orpington. Look how disheveled she is.

Squawking, squealing,  and squabbling! Brings to mind this old ditty.
There's always something going on with the Crabtree Creek Critters!

It appears there may have been an intruder in the coop. Our Rhode Island Red has a very small wound on one of her wings!

Now scroll up or CLICK HERE to read part 2.

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