Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kilroy was here

...or a demented cat.

This is a little more normal:

Frank is our oldest critter.  M adopted him on (you guessed it) Frank Sinatra's birthday, so he's named for the famous crooner, although he doesn't do much singing.

Frank is a gray and white tuxedo cat, very well-mannered and behaves well with others - except when he wants to beat the snot out of Ivan the Terrible.  He's 14 years old, but acts much younger.  He went through some trauma a few years ago when he developed pancreatitis and almost didn't make it.  After several weeks with a feeding tube, he finally recovered and is doing great.  He's a very sweet cat who will politely disappear when company comes and will alert you loudly when the food bowl is empty.

Sweet Francis.

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