Friday, November 4, 2011


Annabelle is our sweet dog critter.  We found her at the SPCA and, because she was lying calmly while her roommate was leaping three feet off the floor and barking wildly, we thought she might be a good, laid back companion.

One of the first things we noticed is that, although she likes to lick you, she does not bark.  Not at people, other dogs, cats, squirrels, chickens, or children.  When we take her to the dog park, she just floats around, sometimes joining in with a group of dogs, sometimes exploring the smells, often just being aloof and in her own world.

She's not always very lady-like:

Also, she gets stressed out when left alone and can be destructive.  We've lost shoes, gloves, chocolate, dog food, cat food, etc. We have a very complex ritual of distracting her with a treat ball before we leave, putting her in the bedroom with our foster dog - Eudy - turning off the lights, and leaving the noise maker running.

She is, however, a very, very sweet dog, and we have no concerns with her behavior around people, especially children, or other animals.  Ivan, our pest of a cat (who needs his own blog post), likes to rub all up around her and she tolerates it very sweetly.

Here's a pic where Ivan has just wandered off. Pardon the cat butt.
Eudy, our foster dog, LOVES Annabelle.  They play pretty well together, despite some misunderstandings over toys and food.  When she's lying on the floor, he comes up and snuggles in beside her, just like a little tugboat to the big ship.  Sometimes she tolerates it; other times you can almost see her groaning inside, and then she gets up and moves somewhere else.

That floor damage is actually NOT critter-related.

We are very lucky to have such a sweet, good-tempered little lady.

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