Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Crabtree Plantation

This circa 1795 house belonged to the Jones family and is about half a mile on the other side of Crabtree Creek from us.
Its builder was Nathaniel "Crabtree" Jones, so named to differentiate him from another Nathaniel Jones who lived near Cary. After his death, his son Kimbrough lived in the house. During the Civil War, it was the site of Confederate Camp Crabtree. Here is Kimbrough's biography from a 1907 volume of The North Carolina Booklet.
In the early 1900s, descendant Bryan Kimbrough Jones attended N. C. State. He is buried in Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh.
 These drawings were completed in the 1960s..
You can see all the images at the North Carolina State University library website, The Built Heritage of North Carolina.

The description of the images states, "The delineator indicates that the estate's heirs wanted the site to be used for the construction of apartments. The home is presumed to have been demolished."
Thank goodness that is not the case.

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